String in Python3 - Coders PlayGround

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Tuesday, 29 August 2017

String in Python3

Hello friends, lets learn about the string in Python3.

Concatenation in Python3 can be done using two different ways, 
 a) Using a '+' operator
 b) Using a ',' operator

Sample Program:
# This doesn't add space unless we add 
print ("Hello" + "there!")

# This adds space
print ("Hello","there!")

# string and integer
print ("Hi" + "5")

#if only 5 is written then error will be displayed
# we can also write

print ("hi",str(5))

If you don’t want characters prefaced by \ to
be interpreted as special characters, you can use
raw strings by adding an r before the first quote

# check out this will treat (\n)ew as newline
# To avoid that check the second condition
print ('\Desktop\python3\new')
print (r'\Desktop\python3\new')

print ("""
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