Hello guys,
#include<stdio.h> #define MAX 5 int front= -1,rear = -1, queue[MAX]; void disp() { int i; if(front==-1&&rear==-1) { printf("\n Queue is empty!!!"); } else { printf("\n Queue elements are : "); for(i=front;i<=rear;i++) printf("%d ",queue[i]); } } void enqueue(int x) { if(rear == MAX-1) printf("\nQueue overflow"); else { if(front==-1&&rear==-1) { front = 0; rear = 0; queue[rear] = x; printf("\n %d successfully enqueued!!!",x); disp(); } else { rear++; queue[rear] = x; printf("\n %d successfully enqueued!!!",x); disp(); } } } void dequeue() { //front int a; a=queue[front]; if(front==-1&&rear==-1) { printf("\n Queue underflow!!!"); } else if(front == rear) { front = -1; rear = -1; } else { front++; printf("\n %d successfully dequeued",a); disp(); } } void main() { int ch,e; do { printf("\n===MENU==="); printf("\n 1. ENQUEUE"); printf("\n 2. DEQUEUE"); printf("\n 3. DISPLAY"); printf("\n 4. EXIT"); printf("\n Enter your choice : "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1 : if(rear == MAX-1) printf("\n Element cannot be inserted \n Queue overflow"); else{ printf("\n Enter the element : "); scanf("%d",&e); enqueue(e);} break; case 2 : dequeue(); break; case 3 : disp(); break; case 4 : printf("\n Thank you!!! \n "); break; default : printf("\n Invalid Input "); break; } }while(ch!=4); } /* Output : ===MENU=== 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice : 1 Enter the element : 56 56 successfully enqueued!!! Queue elements are : 56 ===MENU=== 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice : 1 Enter the element : 27 27 successfully enqueued!!! Queue elements are : 56 27 ===MENU=== 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice : 1 Enter the element : 44 44 successfully enqueued!!! Queue elements are : 56 27 44 ===MENU=== 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice : 1 Enter the element : 48 48 successfully enqueued!!! Queue elements are : 56 27 44 48 ===MENU=== 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice : 1 Enter the element : 29 29 successfully enqueued!!! Queue elements are : 56 27 44 48 29 ===MENU=== 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice : 1 Element cannot be inserted Queue overflow ===MENU=== 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice : 2 56 successfully dequeued Queue elements are : 27 44 48 29 ===MENU=== 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice : 2 27 successfully dequeued Queue elements are : 44 48 29 ===MENU=== 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice : 2 44 successfully dequeued Queue elements are : 48 29 ===MENU=== 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice : 2 48 successfully dequeued Queue elements are : 29 ===MENU=== 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice : 2 ===MENU=== 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice : 2 Queue underflow!!! ===MENU=== 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice : 3 Queue is empty!!! ===MENU=== 1. ENQUEUE 2. DEQUEUE 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice : 4 Thank you!!! lobo@lobo-Compaq-Presario-CQ60-Notebook-PC:~/Desktop$ */