Hello guys,
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct node { int data; struct node * next; }; struct node *head1=NULL,*head2=NULL,*head=NULL; int c; void create(); void display(); void insbeg(); void insend(); void insloc(); void delbeg(); void delend(); void delloc(); void search(); void count(); void concantente(); void reverse(); void split(); void copy(); int return_count(); struct node* getnode(); main() { int choice; do { printf("\n__MENU__\n"); printf("\n1.create list"); printf("\n2.insert at the beginning"); printf("\n3.insert at the end"); printf("\n4.insert at any location"); printf("\n5.delete at the beginning"); printf("\n6.delete at the end"); printf("\n7.delete at any location"); printf("\n8.search for an element"); printf("\n9.count total elements"); printf("\n10.concatente"); printf("\n11.reverse the list"); printf("\n12.copy list elements"); printf("\n13.splitting a list"); printf("\n14.display"); printf("\n15...EXIT...\n"); printf("\nENTER your choice\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: create();break; case 2:insbeg();break; case 3:insend();break; case 4:insloc();break; case 5:delbeg();break; case 6:delend();break; case 7:delloc();break; case 8:search();break; case 9:count();break; case 10:concantente();break; case 11:reverse();break; case 12:copy();break; case 13:split();break; case 14: display();break; case 15:printf("~~~~~~~THANK YOU~~~~~~~\n");break; default:printf("INVALID input !!!");break; } }while(choice!=15); } void create() { { int x, i,n; head=NULL; struct node* newnode,*temp; temp=head; printf("Enter no. of elements in the LIST \n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter %d elements\n",n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { temp=head; newnode=getnode(); scanf("%d",&x); newnode->data=x; if(head==NULL) { head=newnode; newnode->next=head; } else { while(temp->next!=head) temp=temp->next; temp->next=newnode; newnode->next=head; } } } } void display() { struct node* temp; temp=head; if(head==NULL) printf("List is empty !!!"); else { printf("List elements are :\t"); while(temp->next!=head) { printf("%d\t",temp->data); temp=temp->next; } printf("%d\n",temp->data); } } void insbeg() { struct node* temp,*newnode; temp=head; newnode=getnode(); printf("\nEnter element\n"); scanf("%d",&newnode->data); if(head==NULL) { head=newnode; newnode->next=head; } else { while(temp->next!=head) temp=temp->next; newnode->next=temp->next; temp->next=newnode; head=newnode; } } void insend() { struct node* temp,*newnode; temp=head; newnode=getnode(); printf("\nEnter element\n"); scanf("%d",&newnode->data); if(head==NULL) { head=newnode; newnode->next=head; } else { while(temp->next!=head) temp=temp->next; temp->next=newnode; newnode->next=head; } } void insloc() { int pos,total; struct node* temp,*newnode; temp=head; newnode=getnode(); printf("\nEnter POSITION\n"); scanf("%d",&pos); if(pos==1) { insbeg(); } else { total=return_count(); if(pos>(total+1)) printf("\nInvalid POSITION !!!!\n"); else { if(pos==(total+1)) { insend(); } else { printf("\nEnter element\n"); scanf("%d",&newnode->data); while(pos>2) { temp=temp->next; pos--; } newnode->next=temp->next; temp->next=newnode; } } } } void delbeg() { struct node* temp, *del; temp=head; del=head; if(head==NULL) display(); else if(temp->next==head) { head=NULL; free(temp); } else { while(temp->next!=head) temp=temp->next; temp->next=head->next; head=head->next; free(del); } } void delend() { struct node* temp, *pretemp; temp=head; if(head==NULL) display(); else if(temp->next==head) { head=NULL; free(temp); } else { while(temp->next!=head) { pretemp=temp; temp=temp->next; } pretemp->next=temp->next; free(temp); } } void delloc() { int total,pos; struct node* temp,*pretemp; temp=head; if(head==NULL) display(); else { printf("\nEnter POSITION\n"); scanf("%d",&pos); total=return_count(); if(pos==1) { delbeg(); } else if(pos>total) printf("\nInvalid POSITION !!!! \n"); else if(pos==total) { delend(); } else { while(pos>=2) { pretemp=temp; temp=temp->next; pos--; } pretemp->next=temp->next; free(temp); } } } void search() { int a,i=1,value; struct node* temp; temp=head; if(head==NULL) printf("\nlist is empty !!!!!\n"); else { printf("Enter element to be searched\n"); scanf("%d",&value); if(temp->data==value) printf("\n%d is at position 1.\n ",value); else { while(temp->next!=head) { temp=temp->next; i++; if(temp->data==value) break; } if(temp->data==value) printf("\n%d is at position %d.\n ",value,i); else if(temp->next==head) printf("\nELEMENT NOT FOUND !!!\n"); } } } void count() { int i = 1; struct node* temp; temp=head; if(head==NULL) printf("\nlist is empty!!!\n"); else { while(temp->next!=head) { temp=temp->next; i++; } printf("\nTotal Count = %d\n",i); } } void concantente() { head=NULL; int n,i; struct node *temp,*newnode; printf("Enter the no. of elements in LIST 1\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter %d elements\n",n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { newnode=getnode(); scanf("%d",&newnode->data); temp=head; if(head==NULL) { newnode->next=NULL; head=newnode; } else { while(temp->next!=NULL) temp=temp->next; temp->next=newnode; newnode->next=NULL; } } printf("Enter the no. of elements in LIST 2\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter %d elements\n",n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { newnode=getnode(); scanf("%d",&newnode->data); temp=head; if(head==NULL) { newnode->next=NULL; head=newnode; } else { while(temp->next!=NULL) temp=temp->next; temp->next=newnode; newnode->next=NULL; } } newnode->next=head; printf("\nList concatented !\n"); } void reverse() { struct node *temp,*newnode, *temp1; if(head==NULL) printf("List is Empty. Create a list to reverse it.!\n"); else { head1=NULL; temp=head; while(temp->next!=head) { temp1=head1; newnode=getnode(); newnode->data=temp->data; if(head1==NULL) { head1=newnode; newnode->next=head1; } else { while(temp1->next!=head1) temp1=temp1->next; newnode->next=temp1->next; temp1->next=newnode; head1=newnode; } temp=temp->next; } newnode=getnode(); newnode->data=temp->data; temp1=head1; while(temp1->next!=head1) temp1=temp1->next; head=head1; temp1->next=newnode; newnode->next=head; head=newnode; printf("\nList reversed !!!!\n"); } } void copy() { struct node *temp,*temp1, *newnode; temp=head; head1=NULL; if(head==NULL) display(); else { while(temp->next!=head) { temp1=head1; newnode=getnode(); newnode->data=temp->data; if(head1==NULL) { head1=newnode; newnode->next=head1; } else { while(temp1->next!=head1) temp1=temp1->next; temp1->next=newnode; newnode->next=head1; } temp=temp->next; } newnode=getnode(); newnode->data=temp->data; temp1=head1; while(temp1->next!=head1) temp1=temp1->next; temp1->next=newnode; head=head1; newnode->next=head; } printf("\nCopied\n"); } void split() { struct node *temp; int pos,i,total; temp=head; head1=NULL; if(head==NULL) printf("\nList is empty\n\n"); else { if(temp->next==head) printf("list cannot be splitted as only 1 element is present\n"); else { printf("Enter splitting position\n"); scanf("%d",&pos); total=return_count(); if(pos>=total) printf("\nInvalid Postion !!!!!\n"); else { for(i=1;i<pos;i++) temp=temp->next; head2=temp->next; temp->next=head; printf("list 1 :\t"); temp=head; while(temp->next!=head) { printf("%d\t",temp->data); temp=temp->next; } printf("%d\t",temp->data); printf("\nlist 2 :\t"); temp=head2; while(temp->next!=head) { printf("%d\t",temp->data); temp=temp->next; } printf("%d\t",temp->data); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////// struct node* getnode() { return((struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node))); } int return_count() { int i = 1; struct node* temp; temp=head; if(head==NULL) return 1; while(temp->next!=head) { temp=temp->next; i++; } return i; } /* OUTPUT __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 1 Enter no. of elements in the LIST 3 Enter 3 elements 10 20 30 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 14 List elements are : 10 20 30 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 2 Enter element 100 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 14 List elements are : 100 10 20 30 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 14 List elements are : 100 10 20 30 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 3 Enter element 150 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 14 List elements are : 100 10 20 30 150 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 14 List elements are : 100 10 20 30 150 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 4 Enter POSITION 5 Enter element 500 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 14 List elements are : 100 10 20 30 500 150 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 5 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 5 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 14 List elements are : 20 30 500 150 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 6 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 14 List elements are : 20 30 500 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 7 Enter POSITION 10 Invalid POSITION !!!! __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 14 List elements are : 20 30 500 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 7 Enter POSITION 3 ENTER your choice 14 List elements are : 20 30 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 8 Enter element to be searched 40 ELEMENT NOT FOUND !!! __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 14 List elements are : 20 30 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 8 Enter element to be searched 30 30 is at position 2. __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 9 Total Count = 2 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 10 ----- LIST 1 ------ Enter no. of elements in the LIST 3 Enter 3 elements 20 30 40 ----- LIST 2 ------ Enter no. of elements in the LIST 3 Enter 3 elements 1 2 3 List concatented ! __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 14 List elements are : 20 30 40 1 2 3 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 11 ! List Reversed ! __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 14 List elements are : 3 2 1 40 30 20 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 11 ! List Reversed ! __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 14 List elements are : 20 30 40 1 2 3 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 12 Copied List elements are : 20 30 40 1 2 3 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 13 Enter splitting position 3 list 1 : 20 30 40 list 2 : 1 2 3 __MENU__ 1.create list 2.insert at the beginning 3.insert at the end 4.insert at any location 5.delete at the beginning 6.delete at the end 7.delete at any location 8.search for an element 9.count total elements 10.concatente 11.reverse the list 12.copy list elements 13.splitting a list 14.display 15...EXIT... ENTER your choice 15 ~~~~~~~THANK YOU~~~~~~~ -------------------------------- */
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